HI! You may love your cat but you don’t know about some of the facts that I will share with you today.
1. Did you know that your everyday house cat is 95.6 percent tiger? But, I promise you that it is not going to hurt you.
2.Your cat has 18 toes. Count them if you don’t believe me…five on the front left and five on the front right, which means that there are four on the back two. Cool, right?
3.If you were wondering how high your cat can jump, well here’s the answer…six times its own length, which is pretty high. Think about it this way. If your cat is 20 inches long from nose to tail then it can jump 120 inches high…that’s 10’ft…wow!
4.Cats love sleeping. They sleep about 12-16 hours everyday. They love to find spots that your mom and dad probably don’t like, such as the washer or a drawer or a cabinet or even a cardboard box.
5. Did you know that cats have 230 bones? Humans have 206 bones…that means we have 24 less bones than cats do.
6. Cats have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents in the air.
7. There are about 200 plus feral cats that you did not see or notice prowling Disneyland Adventure Park for any rodents.